Whole Body Cryotherapy

Originally developed by Dr. Yamaguchi, in Japan in 1978 while treating his rheumatoid arthritis patients, whole body cryotherapy’s benefits have been studied and refined. Developing the cryochamber, giving us whole body cryotherapy as we know today.

Benefits of Cryotherapy

Boost Endorphins

Exposure to cold temperatures will trigger the body’s production of endorphins, leading to an increase in mood and feeling motivated to tackle the day.

Improve Athletic Performance

Whole Body Cryotherapy will help flush out excess lactic acid built up in the muscles from a tough workout. Excess lactic acid is what would cause muscles to be sore.

Stimulate Collagen Production

Collagen is the number one protein the body uses to repaid all muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments.

Increase Metabolism

Post-treatment, the body will undergo a metabolic reaction in an effort to warm itself back up, burning calories to do so.

Decrease Pain & Inflammation

The blood is supercharged with oxygen and anti-inflammatory proteins and flushes out excess white blood cells.

The benefits listed above are a few of the main call outs for what you can expect to get from Whole Body Cryotherapy. Other benefits include: improving circulation, improving symptoms of asthma, anxiety, chronic pain and fibromyalgia, depression, migraines, multiple sclerosis and different types of arthritis. Cryotherapy can even assist in weight loss management and insomnia.

What to Expect

The CryoLounge Stockton utilizes top-of-the-line equipment to provide a whole body cryotherapy treatments. Step into the chamber and experience the amazing restorative effects of cryotherapy in just three minutes!

The chamber is cooled using vaporized nitrogen to the optimal treatment temperature ranging between -225ºF and -250ºF. Once you step into the chamber the vaporized nitrogen will chill the skin’s surface layer, sending your body into a natural fight or flight response. Blood vessels will constrict, redirecting blood away from your extremities to your core to protect your organs. Your body will supercharge the blood with anti-inflammatory proteins and oxygen, flush out excess white blood cells, and boost your metabolic rate.

Exposure to extreme cold temperatures will also stimulate your body’s natural response to produce more collagen protein. Collagen is the number one protein used to improve skin elasticity and repair all of your muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments.

Upon exiting the cryosauna, your blood vessels will dilate and rush the oxygen rich blood and endorphins back throughout the body and your brain will direct the collagen to the areas it is most needed. In an effort to warm up and come back to an equilibrium, your body will undergo a metabolic reaction and burn between 500-800 calories in the five hours post-treatment.

One three-minute Whole Body Cryotherapy session is the equivalent in benefits to a 20-30 minute ice bath. However, with an ice bath there is down time associated as it is chilling your muscle tissue. There is no downtime with cryotherapy.


Before entering the Cryosauna, clients are required to remove all jewelry. They will be given gloves, socks, slippers and a robe to wear into the treatment room. Men are also required to wear underwear or shorts.

All clothing worn in Cryosauna must be dry.