Frequently asked questions.

What Services do you offer?

We offer 4 services: Whole Body Chill, Localized Chill, Compression Sleeves and CryoSkin Chill. For a full explanation of what our services entail, visit here.

Do I need more than one session of Cryotherapy?

The peak benefits of Cryotherapy are best enjoyed in a routine. While clients may experience benefits from a single treatment, we recommend doing Cryotherapy three to five times a week for the first two weeks. This will induce cumulative effects in the body. After that, maintenance is needed to sustain benefits.

What are the benefits of Cryotherapy?

Cryotherapy stimulates the body to release endorphins, the hormones that make us feel alert and energetic. The buoyant effects from each session typically last six to eight hours. Many clients report improvements in their sleep quality after cryotherapy.

Does Cryotherapy hurt?

No. Cryotherapy involves dry, hyper-cooled air flowing over the skin’s surface, so the process never freezes skin tissues, muscles or organs. The result is only a “feeling” of being cold. Towards the end of the treatment, you may get a “pins and needles” sensation like it is falling asleep, which will dissipate as soon as the treatment ends.

What do I wear?

You are required to wear your own undergarments or shorts. All clients must remove jewelry and exterior body piercings below the neck. Additionally, clients should not apply oils, lotions, or cologne before treatment.

Do I need an appointment?

It is recommended to book an appointment before your visit, but not required. If you would like to book an appointment, please click here.

How cold does it get?

The Cryosauna reaches temperatures between -225F and -250F, lowering the skin’s surface temperature by 30 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

After the session, will I be wet or need to take a shower?

Showering is not necessary before or after cryotherapy. The entire procedure is dry and does not make your skin wet. Many clients come by during their lunch break since the entire treatment is only 3 minutes long.

Is there a membership?

We do offer a monthly membership. Learn more when booking an

How long is each session?

Whole Body Chill lasts up to 3 minutes; all other services depend on your selection.

Is Nitrogen gas dangerous?

No, nitrogen is a friendly, non-toxic gas. Nitrogen composes 78% of the air we breathe. The other components are 16% Oxygen, 1% Hydrogen and 5% other gases. Nitrogen is as common as Oxygen.

Can I exercise after a Whole Body Chill session?

Yes, an advantage of cryotherapy over ice therapy is that tissues and muscles are not frozen. Ten minutes of light exercise post cryotherapy will induce more rapid vasodilation of the blood vessels and capillaries and extend the period of analgesia. It is also ideal post-workout to speed athletic recovery and ease sore muscles.